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Coalition's General Assembly Meeting

The Women's Global Coalition for Quds and Palestine's General Assembly held a meeting

The General Assembly of the Women's Global Coalition for Quds and Palestine held the meeting on Saturday, October 9, 2021. It was attended by 70 members from 39 countries, represented by 60 institutions and 19 active figures in serving the Palestinian cause.

The meeting was moderated by Dr. Omaima Tijani, President of the WGCQP, who commenced the meeting, welcomed sisters of honor, and gave a short speech in which she spoke about:

  • The Secretary-General of the Global Coalition praising the WGCQP 's efforts and the development achieved over a period of four years.
  • Women being able to create opportunities for themselves and transform adversity into advantages, such as the Corona pandemic.
  • Congratulations to Professor Rabab Awad for assuming the position of Secretary-General of the Women’s Coalition and Deputy Secretary-General of the Global Coalition, wishing her success.


Dr. Fawzia Hassan, former Secretary-General of the WGCQP, gave a short speech in which she praised the work of Prof. Rabab Awad, Secretary-General of the WGCQP. She also praised her mission in striving to always raise the Coalition's status and encourage it to move forward, as well as emphasizing on the many changes currently present and the necessity of following and keeping up with them so that the WGCQP can always succeed.

Prof. Rabab Awad extended her thanks and gratitude to all the sisters for the constant support, emphasizing on:

  • The role of the Malaysian Coalition as the first country to work in the WGCQP, praising its successes and constant support.
  • Thanking the governing body for allowing new ideas to be implemented and succeed.
  • Conducting evaluation and evaluation sessions during the past period.
  • Preparing a new structure for the WGCQP, and preparing the strategy and structure of the entire General Secretariat within the countries and regions so that the work is a cross-sectional, tributary work.
  • The necessity of localizing work in countries.

The General Assembly discussed the program of the Male and Female Pioneers of the Holy City Conference, December 2-3-4, its objectives, and the challenges and obstacles to mobilization and women attending the conference.

Dr. Omaima Tijani then reviewed the guidelines for the 2021-2022 plan. She explained that these guidelines will be sent to all regions and countries so that they develop a detailed plan appropriate to their situation and will be sent again to the Central Coalition to be approved and used in evaluation.

While discussing a provision of the governing body, the vote was approved to extend the governing body for another term.

The General Assembly meeting concluded with the presentation of the Central Women’s Coalition’s draft Family Pledge, which is an electronic pledge signed by the family as a covenant and commitment to back and donate in support and assistance to our people in Palestine.

The proceeds from the Family Pledge are allocated entirely to poor families in Palestine headed by a woman.

Meeting Outcomes:

  • Assigning Prof. Rabab Awad to carry out the duties of Secretary-General of the WGCQP.
  • Reviewing the promo and website of the Family Pledge and starting a series of support through it by the sisters in the General Assembly.
  • A proposed paper implemented by the WGCQP stating women’s forward-looking outlook after liberation.
  • Another proposal is to hold a small course for attendees on managing Palestinian affairs through social media.
  • Approval of extending the governing body for another term.

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