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GWCCQP Holds Fifth Annual Conference, Pioneer Ummah Returning to Al-Quds

The Global Women’s Coalition for Quds and Palestine held its fifth annual conference, "Pioneer Ummah Returning to Al-Quds" on October 8, 2018. Islamic women leaders and supporters of the Palestinian cause gathered to express support for the city of Al-Quds and Al-Aqsa Mosque, and stand in solidarity with the Murabitas in its courtyard. They also expressed the active and fundamental role women play in the Palestinian cause, and that women have a role that complements men's role in supporting this cause and assisting it by all means possible.

Women from various Islamic countries actively participated in the conference. One group gave speeches in which they expressed the unity of the Islamic world. Participants also expressed the importance of implementing various projects in various fields, in a way that serves the Palestinian cause.

The opening ceremony included a number of speeches that discussed the role of Maqdisi women in protecting Al-Quds, and introducing the dangers facing Al-Aqsa Mosque. Not to mention, the role that must be played for the sake of Al-Quds and Palestine and in defending Al-Aqsa Mosque.

A number of sessions were held that included discussing topics related to the title of the conference. The first session discussed marches of return and women's role in them, while the second session was dedicated to discussing women's roles in surviving the Palestinian cause. As for the third session, GWCQP projects and programs that served the cause were presented.

The conference concluded its activities with a women’s evening, which included performances and artistic segments. Additionally, there was a segment honoring the female figures and women's institutions that participate and work in supporting Al-Quds and Palestine.


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