Palestinian Mother Loses Her Four Children

Palestinian Mother Loses Her Four Children .



She flips between the TV channels and tells her daughter, “May Allah grant the mothers of Gaza patience.”


Then she wonders, “How can these mothers bear to say goodbye to their loved ones all at once?”


How can the joy disappear from their hearts and be extinguished in an instant?


A father appears on the screen, sitting on the rubble of his house in Gaza.


He says, “I went to buy some food for my children, then I came back and found my house in rubble and that I’d lost all my children.”


Um Hazza cried for the mothers and fathers in Gaza.


She has been praying for them to be patient and steadfast since the beginning of the war.


She did not know that she would share a great deal of the pain felt by mothers of this stolen country.


It was destined that she would bid her four children farewell in one day.


A soldier stood on the side of the road to the camp in Jenin


He sniped a group of young men, including her four sons.


Hazza.. Rami…Ahmed…Alaa…


Her loved ones were taken away from her.


She said goodbye to four beautiful boys who would make her days.


Hazza's dreams, Rami's wishes, Ahmed's laughter, and Alaa's kisses on her hands every morning…


All gone forever…


While their mother stood in front of their bodies.


She says, "I have no one left, and none of them will call for their mother after today.”


She became like many Palestinian mothers, heart empty except for anguish, pain, and sadness.