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African Women's Coalition


The Ummah’s scholars have unanimously agreed that the land of Palestine is an Arab and Islamic land. It is an endowment for all Muslims and it is forbidden to give up on it. Therefore, it is entrusted in the hands of Muslim generations until it is liberated from the usurping Zionist occupation. For this duty to be fulfilled, there must be reasons Muslim people, especially African people who have been absent from the scene, to engage in work that has not yet been done. Women are half of society and men’s partners, and their role is witnessed in the renaissance and progress of Ummah. They are the creators and educators of generations for the Ummah would not have had its scholars, heroes, and martyrs had it not been for women. They were among the people of effort and sacrifice. There are many examples in our present of women martyrs, captives, and Murabitas in the land of jihad and Ribat as well as those in the east and west of the earth who work for the Palestinian cause.

Their participation in this sacred work cannot be disposed of, and in this regard, one cannot ignore what African women have done and are doing in the progress and prosperity of the African continent. They are fighters and pioneers in social, developmental and economic work. They are experienced politicians and are responsible in all sovereign ranks. The addition of those absent from this work will be qualitative. It will push it to great heights and will be an impregnable fortress against the normalization of Israeli relations.

African Women's Coalition for Quds and Palestine


Vision of the African Women's Coalition for Quds and Palestine

A strong coalition that attains the best achievements for the Palestinian cause at the regional level; it has a well-established and widespread structure, an active presence and strong relations with various vital forces.

The African Women's Coalition for Quds and Palestine faces some challenges and opportunities in the African continent:

Most important challenges:

  1. Ignorance on the reality of the conflict and its roots; it is considered to be a land dispute between Arabs and Jews due to Arab nationalist propaganda supporting the Palestinian cause.
  2. Weak introductory and educational content about the Palestinian cause in academic curricula and cultural dissemination in the Arab-African countries. The mention of the cause is nearly absent in Africa (with the Western French media dominating the hearing and reception among the educated public)
  3. Weak communication between actors and activists interested in just and human rights causes as well as the weakness of civil society at the continental level in general.

Most important opportunities:

  1. The capabilities and resources, human and material, of the work carried out in the Maghreb region and East Africa. Plus, the level of readiness for further sacrifice and effort to benefit from them.
  2. The presence of a voice different from that of the Zionists and their presentation of the Palestinian cause in the global Western media. Plus, with the universality of social media, there are some free media platforms and the possibility of delivering the Palestinian voice in African languages
  3. The growth of the Islamic awakening in Africa and the presence of the Palestinian cause in preaching programs.
  4. The hatred for colonialism: African peoples are the last people in the world who have suffered at the hands of colonialism and slavery. They are among the people who mostly lean in support the colonized and oppressed people in the world.
  5. The increasing aspiration of African peoples for freedom and liberation from the hegemony of the West as well as the elite that is intellectually subservient to and economically linked to it.


Objectives of the African Women’s Coalition for Quds and Palestine:

  1. Introducing the Palestinian cause.
  2. Mobilizing, networking, and establishing strong, sustainable work.
  3. Collecting sufficient resources to achieve the desired objectives.


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